Points-Based System

When you are applying for a Points-Based System visa in the UK, it’s extremely important you do everything correctly.
From 1st January 2021, free movement will end and the UK will introduce a points-based immigration system. Under a points-based immigration system, points are assigned for specific skills, qualifications, salaries and shortage occupations. Visas are then awarded to those who gain enough points.
If you are a skilled worker, highly skilled worker, lower-skilled worker or a student and wish to apply for a visa under the points-based system, please contact our office directly to speak to one of our legal experts for detailed advice and guidance on what options are available to you depending on your circumstances.
Under the points-based system, you are also eligible to apply for the following:
  • Innovator visa
  • Business visas
  • Student visas
Contact us today for more information or advice about any of the above!